The views expressed in this blog are mine, all mine and don't necessarily reflect those of the Police Service!
I hope that you wont be offended by anything I say, because no offence was intended.

Monday, 14 April 2008

Mission Statements

Can you remember back before the turn of the century, when Police Cars, didn't have logos? Back then, everyone knew that 999 was the emergency number for the Police and if you wanted the non-emergency number, you looked it up in the phonebook. Strangely enough, everyone seemed to know, what the Police were there for. You know, fighting crime and stuff.

Apparently, 21st Century people are thick, because they need to see lots of mission statements and catchy slogans, to realise what the Police are here for.

"Working together to keep you safe" or "Fighting hard to keep crime down".

Can anyone tell me why we need a silly slogan? Its not as if the public can choose which force to investigate their problems, is it? Mrs Ponsonby isn't going to phone Ruralshire, just because they're "committed to citizen focus". Even if she did, they'd only fire her back to her local force.

Does having a motto help me do my job any better/differently? I don't think so. So lets stop pi55ing about with poxy mission statements. We're the Police. Our job is to prevent and detect crime and keep the peace. End of!

If you think I'm being harsh, read this.


Anonymous said...

""Director of Knowledge Architecture".

I want that job, what do I have to do ?

Anonymous said...

I am taken with the South Park PD motto (or is it Springfield, I'm not sure now)

"To Patronise & Annoy"

Sums up a lot of what's wrong in the way the bosses are trying to get us our job to relate to the public

girlieresponse said...

A slogan could be
'Ring someone who has time to help...............'
(That's the polite version)

Anonymous said...

XXXXX Constabulary...'Policing by coincidence'