The views expressed in this blog are mine, all mine and don't necessarily reflect those of the Police Service!
I hope that you wont be offended by anything I say, because no offence was intended.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Another Stupid Idea

It seems that the liberal elite are coming up with some more of their stupid ideas.
When will these idiots get real? I'm sorry, but there is no such thing as a 'poor' addict. Certainly, when it comes to drugs, the users are all criminals. There may be one or two people out there, who were injected against there will, a number of times, to become addicts, but I can't imagine there are many. The rest, all chose to take drugs. Once they are addicted, they have three choices. Either give up, find a legal way of financing their addiction, or turn to crime. The vast majority of drug addicts choose the latter. From my experiences, a lot of our local addicts, were recidivists, before they became addicted to drugs.
This new policy, once again, takes no account of the victims. Well, I'm sorry, but that is just not good enough. Lord Phillips, have you ever visited an elderly victim of a handbag snatch? I very much doubt it. What you deem to be a crime, that the poor perpetrator can't be expected to avoid committing, can have a devastating effect on its victim. These victims need protecting from criminals with no morals, not to be made to feel sorry for them.
What sort of message do you think this sends out to addicts? Carry on as you are, because we feel sorry for you!
Stop meddling.
I'd bet the Liberal Elite would change their minds, if they were forced to live next door to a crack house!


Anonymous said...

Taken from the bbc website-

'Thieves who target vulnerable victims, such as the elderly, may not be sent to jail in future - if it is shown they were motivated by desperation or need.'

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, FFS the effing country is ruled by mad, stupid liberal bastards! WTF is going on.

Anonymous said...

Enough is enough. Where is our white knight? Who is gonna rescue us all? There should be a rule. Any person with political ambition should only be allowed to hold any type of office after they have lived in the 'real world'. And by that I mean our real world, not the fluffy liberal version. I have the misfortune to live across from lowlife junkie scum and I fantasise about putting a petrol bomb through their window. Gotta go, need a pint of milk and to fill up my can at the garage...

blueknight said...

The Liberal elite, Champagne Socialists, or Bollinger Bolsheviks.
This has come from the Sentencing Guidelines Council, which is headed up by Lord Phillips.

**The top judge in England and Wales, Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, has frequently spoken of his concerns about prison overcrowding and the need to make more use of community sentences.

so no surprises there then..

Anonymous said...

The article states:

"But those who shop-lift from small, independent traders will be given stiffer sentences than thieves who target large chain stores."

Surely a crime is a crime is a crime, regardless of the victim's status.

Anonymous said...

The article states:

"But those who shop-lift from small, independent traders will be given stiffer sentences than thieves who target large chain stores."

Surely a crime is a crime is a crime, regardless of the victim's status.

Anonymous said...

The article states:

"But those who shop-lift from small, independent traders will be given stiffer sentences than thieves who target large chain stores."

Surely a crime is a crime is a crime, regardless of the victim's status.

Anonymous said...

Oooh it worked first time after all.
