The views expressed in this blog are mine, all mine and don't necessarily reflect those of the Police Service!
I hope that you wont be offended by anything I say, because no offence was intended.

Friday, 30 May 2008

Well Done Civitas...

Civitas (not sure who/what they are) say that the Police are targetting trivial crime.

At last, someone has seen the light. The only problem is, most people are going to think it is the officers on the ground, who are leading this charge. There might be some, but all I can say, is that the vast majority of us, would much rather be doing some 'proper' police work, instead of investigating trivial nonesense.

There are two sets of people to blame for this. Firstly, the modern generation, who will report all manner of trivial nonesense to the police. I have a cunning plan to put a stop to this. All citizens, should be entitled to 3 free call outs in any one year. After that, they should have to pay for the police/ambulance/fire/doctor/social services time. In the Police's case, if the person's call results in the conviction at court of an individual, then they will be entitled to a refund, otherwise £60 a call out and £30 for every half hour spent dealing/investigating. That would stop most of our regulars wasting our time!

The other set of people are the government and ACPO. Since this govt, introduced the ethical crime recording standards, in it's relentless quest for meaningless statistics, then the police are duty bound to record all the trivial nonsense that the first group report. The problem then arises, with ACPO. They too, love statistics, the most important of which, is the detection rate. They don't like having undetected crimes on their books. So, if you have to record trivial nonsense, then you will need to investigate and 'detect' it. Hence, why it appears that the bobby on the beat, is chasing easy detections.

I don't think we can do much about the first group, well, not in the short term anyway. However, we can do something about the second. Either, scrap 'ethical crime recording' and go back to allowing officers to decide if a crime has been committed; or, record the trivial nonsense, but in a different category to 'proper' crime, and don't waste time investigating and trying to detect it.

NEW LABOUR - Tough on crime figures, tough on the users of common sense!


blueknight said...

It would be nice if the Federation made a media statement to that effect.

Ex-RUC said...

I vaguely seem to recall a word "discretion" from my younger says.

Anonymous said...

20 years ago a silly girl ran out of a pub diagonally across the road ( on the zig-zag bit of a zebra crossing ) right into the path of my car which I had managed to bring to a halt.
Girl was ambulanced away ( no serious injury ) Police later told me no action would be taken.

On the point of charging.
I got a very stroppy 'ticket' from the Ambulance Service demanding payment of £30 since, as the driver, I was assumed to be at fault ( despite the views of the Police).
I think that you will find that the Fire Service can charge for false alarms to commercial premises and also levy charges for other Emergency events that they attend (cat up tree, head stuck in railings ).

On a lighter note, just the other day a Police Patrol car 'flashed' me so I pulled into a lay-by; the cheerful young Officer came alongside to inform me that my hazzard warning lights were on.
Presumably he might have have gained a sanctioned detection for driving without due care but he chose not to, well done that Officer.

Anonymous said...

What rot.
Lazy coppers would bosh every job if call out systems were in place.
Yes we don't have much discretion these days, but the 'half a job' lazy gits are more than enough to blame for this.

Anonymous said...

I draw attention to fraudulent postings on coppersblog by the author(s). A presently unknown proportion of postings are neither submitted by, or otherwise emanate from, serving police and members of the public. Inventions placed on the blog by the author(s) may be falsely credited to a specific sender. Alternatively, a genuine sender may find his/her views distorted or totally substituted by the blog author(s).

Citizens of the UK must never countenance dishonesty in police officers. Any reader with experience or personal knowledge of fabricated reports on the blog should email

Anonymous said...

If I had to pay call-outs on the shit hole council tennant filled road I'm forced to live in(house prices) then I'd be skint in a few weeks....