The views expressed in this blog are mine, all mine and don't necessarily reflect those of the Police Service!
I hope that you wont be offended by anything I say, because no offence was intended.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

That'll learn em....

Jacqui Smith has announced a new way to stop anti-social behaviour by crowds of yobs. Apparently, all you've got to do is film them!

Yeah right! As if that's going to stop them. All our lot do, when we point a camera in their direction, is pull their hoodies over their heads!

When is she going to 'announce' something that is actually going to help tackle ASB?

How about giving parents back the right to 'smack' their children for a start. I was doing a Section 18 search in a 17 year olds house today, when his father returned. He was a well built bloke, with his own building business. I was expecting the usual "stop picking on my Timmy, you lot are always hassling him" type of conversation. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised. He was at his wits end with his son. He told me that he wanted to give him a 'bloody good hiding', but was reluctant to do so, for fear of getting a criminal record.
Now some liberals out there will argue that corporal punishment is not the answer. They may be right in some cases, who knows? However, why take away a parents right to make informed decisions?

In my opinion, a few more beatings, would sort out, a lot of our gobby little sh*ts!


Anonymous said...

"Suspects will be “harassed” by officers visiting them day and night"

I thought 'harassment' was a criminal offence.

Jacqui Smith said: “People feel they are the ones under attack. I want to turn the tables on the people causing the misery to others.”

If Ms. Smith is reffering to a return to old style, clip around the ear, coppering, why does she not just say so ?

Slightly O/T from twenty years ago; scene, a local authority semi-secure unit.
Problem ? One kid on drugs kicking off so bad that the others could get no sleep.
Staff solution ? None.
Call drug-boys older brother in to the unit to administer a good kicking while staff look the other way.

Result ? Good nights sleep enjoyed by all, mostly.

Anonymous said...

A local beat officer has been taken to task by his senior officers by saying publicly that parents have a responsibility for the behaviour of their children. "They brought them into the world," he said, "they thus have the responsibility of ensuring they are taught how to behave and to accept some of the blame if their offspring commit crime, whether it be anti-social or more serious." It seems that the higher echelons of our Police don't have the basic logic of the more junior officers.

TotallyUn-Pc said...

you can't make it up.... they introduce the human Rights act and then a couple of years later ask us to harrass people enjoying their right to liberty...

What a bunch of brainless tossers!